Thursday, May 27, 2010

Frequently Asked Interview Question 1

Before attending a job interview, it is important that you have prepared answers for some frequently asked questions that you may be asked to answer. Answering common interview questions takes a lot of practice and preparation. The interviewer will not ask random questions, but rather will have prepared a specific set of questions. Frequently asked job interview questions are used to establish whether or not the job seeker has the required skills set and experience relevant to the job vacancy.

Frequently Asked Interview Question 1 : Tell us about yourself

Although your first instinct might be to start by describing your interests and hobbies, remember where you are. You are in a job interview with the main purpose of being hired. The information that you should detail when asked this question is to begin by describing yourself in a work situation. Prepare a summary of your work experience as well as your career achievements. Briefly detail your education accomplishments as well as any other accomplishment that are relevant to the job vacancy. Only once you have discussed information that is specific to the available position, should you then give a short explanation about your interests and character traits.

Preparing in advance and familiarising yourself with frequently asked job interview questions will give you the confidence you require in order to outshine any other candidate by emphasising your skills and accomplishment relevant to the job. Try to relax and remember to be yourself and we wish you the very best of luck in securing your dream job.

We will share with you more frequently asked interview questions in the next posting.